Not all genealogy research can be done from home--sometimes you have to head into the field. Cemeteries are crucial for locating our ancestors stories, and The Family Tree Cemetery Field Guide shows you how to search for and analyze what you find on those gravestones.

Discover tools for locating family tombstones, and tips and strategies for navigating cemeteries, plus an at-a-glance guide to tombstone symbols and iconography along with practical strategies for on-the-ground research.

Once you've returned home, learn how to incorporate that gravestone information into your research, as well as how to use the detailed step-by-step guides for adding your ancestors stories to websites like Find A Grave and Billion Graves. And there are also stories about how Joy dealt with some scandalous Hoosier family secrets.

Purchase from any bookseller, or order online.

The Family Tree Cemetery Field Guide

Joy Neighbors

A Grave Interest

Cemeteries, Culture, History & Genealogy

Reader Reviews forThe Family Tree Cemetery Field Guide:

"After hearing Joy Neighbors speak - I knew her book would be one to refer to over and over. Very interesting, informative and written with her passion for the subject matter."

"Easy to read, and very interesting. Especially some of stories of her own family searches. Lot's of information, and how-to instructions."

"Literally there is nothing outside of this book left to say about researching a graveyard for genealogical information. "

"Neighbors' guide is more than just a cemetery trek" how to" but is also an excellent insight into how to delve into the mystery of WHO and WHERE we came from."

"Great anecdotal examples and pictures that illustrate the specific aspects that Joy Neighbors has so well articulated."

"For anyone trying to research their family history, this provides good advice for how to approach cemetery offices, or city records and offers insight into the burial practices of the United States."